Meditation to Open the Senses and Receive
Inspired by a Dharma talk by Mooji
This is an invitation to open up to the wisdom of your senses. Become aware that there is a whole world of teachings available to you right now just by opening, becoming present and receiving. As we learn to simply be, in our natural state, we receive the juice of renewal and of inspired grace. In this state of being all things reside.
· Pause now and notice your breath. Do not work on changing anything, just become aware of your body. You may close your eyes or keep them open.
· Just allow yourself to be – with no practice – with doing no thing.
· Now, inhale deeply and on your exhale do a long “Om” to begin to get into the feeling of vibration and sound in the body.
· Be aware of your physical body now.
· Notice your senses --- Feel them open like flowers budding. Notice how they function naturally. Notice how you don’t have to force your senses to sense. You just arrive in present awareness and witness them.
· Sink into the realization that you do not have to operate your senses. They work on their own…
· What do your senses notice? Is there a sound you can hear? A fan? A car passing? Is there the smell of sunshine, of dust, of home? What is the quality of light; even with your eyes closed you can sense this. Is there a taste in your mouth? Can you notice the air touching the skin of your hands and face?
· Open. Open with every cell. Open to this information that is being processed without you having to do any work at all.
· Feel your cells receiving in presence. Feel the power of that…
· Let your boundary of being get bigger. Let your presence and senses get so big they do not have a container.
· Be with this being.
· Remain as awareness itself with no need to chase thoughts or working anything out.
· Rest inside of your being, inside of your senses.
· Give up working hard for right now. You are not doing anything.
· There is nothing to change, fix or manage --- Just awareness to sense as a natural function.
· Notice your heartbeat now.
· Come into your heart. Let your heart know there is nothing to grasp at, that there is nothing to wait for; there is just this being.
· Receive the renewal of giving up the work – let the wisdom of your senses be and come to you instead.
· Here you are not a work in progress, you are perfect and simply what is – an effortless being. There is nothing to construct or deconstruct.
· When you are ready to end this meditation, know that you can bring this effortlessness into your life now. That you can rest with the blossoming and pure awareness of your senses --- with their natural ability to work on their own. From this place you can renew.
So much of life we feel like we need to change, to fix and to work hard on things --- This practice is to open to the huge transformation and support of the present moment. It is to remind us how to receive; that we can receive renewal and wisdom right here and now and all that is required is to drop our doing for a moment and be; as we be, we are the pure awareness of sense in our natural form. In this state, we are open to the abundance of life as it gifts to us our needs.
Copyright Sarah Norrad 2020
*These practices, writings and instructions were created by Sarah Norrad. All copyright laws, creative or otherwise, apply, are reserved & bound to Sarah Norrad. This practice is not meant to take the place of clinical, medical or other professional support.