Find Your Purpose

Dear Ones,

How do you know what your purpose is? Drum roll...

It’s what your soul is calling to do.

How do you know the voice of your soul? It is the voice that speaks to you in a clear and steady way.

It’s not undecided. It’s not this or that... The soul is certain. It has a matter of fact kind of tone.

So drop into the certainty. Drop into what you know to be true in you... Follow that path of rose petals or of pebbles.

Because purpose and soul don’t care about the package. They don't judge the name of things, the labels, the shoulds or the things our old programming thinks are better to do --- They care about the essence at the core of the thing that you are pursing.

The question we can ask ourselves is, can you bring your purpose into it—can you squeeze the cloth of soul speak out of it? If you can, then it's probably worthwhile and part of your soul calling. 

Certainty comes when we allow it to. If we sit and let the pond of our mind settle. Beneath the ripples of right and wrong of better or of worse, is your truth. That's why mediation and mindfulness practices become so important -- So we can get under the static of our sometimes neurotic world...

Sit still enough, with your big feelings enough, with the mind and ego enough, that wants to fix and control and keep safe—because underneath that storm is your purpose. Is the sacred container of soul.

The jewel in the heart of the lotus is what you seek. So first, let things that aren’t it settle; evaporate. Be still. What you are searching for, give it a chance to find you, too.

When it does, you will be certain. Because certainty comes when we are grounded enough to receive that clarity.

Your soul surely is calling in purpose. So pick a wall to stare at, a star speckled sky to observe or simply peer out your window. Pause. Let your purpose meet you there.

I have both 3 & 1 month transformation packages now up on my website: 1 Month Deep Dive + 3 Month Sacred Expansion Mentorship

Believe in your right to purpose and expansion. That’s what will get you there to living it.

In kindness and courage,


If you'd like to work together 1:1 head here to connect