Come Back to Wholeness

Dear Ones,

I know it's been a crazy time and we are all feeling the stress of it. Some of us are deeply affected by this pandemic and others are feeling it strongly because we are empaths to this collective trauma.

The note I wanted to send out today to my inner circle crew is about regulation; about coming back into wholeness and getting through this time connected to something bigger than just our minds...

For our fall from grace happened when we started to believe we were just the mind, or the body or that we were just a job, a partner, man or woman... a one thing. That our entirety was this pandemic too. 

Maybe we believed that we were “that” old failure. Maybe we feel this pandemic is our fault for not doing better, trying harder, being stronger supporters to the earth and to each other. 

But we are not just one of these things, failures or that blaming mind; wise ones say we are the space around all these things too.

And from this place of expansion, from the great container that holds it all, we are the consciousness instead that witnesses the mind body spirit; and this hugeness is where we create great things and healing.

It’s where the nectar of genius, of ingenuity and ones-ness lives—a naturally occurring collective consciousness that in it resides immense wisdoms. 

Soulprenuers, seekers, comrade humans here on planet earth, we can all connect to this greater source and perhaps it's so the time right now. Because it’s not yours. It’s not mine. It’s not theirs... We are all a part of this boundless container.

We are all holding it too. This is the return to wholeness.

Me and my; oh great illusion to keep us small and struggling... to keep us thinking we don’t have access to our medicine, to our healing, to our wholeness, to our thriving and to our creating. That we are separate from the solutions...

We are not. We have direct lines to it. In that essence, we are never doing any of this on our own. We are a greater whole.

The great traditions of the east, and many indigenous societies, teach and live this so much better than we do... but we are trying. Yes, we are.

Collective is being remembered. For many of us it was the individualist way that was initially taught.

If you are a creator, an entrepreneur a dreamer, you are connecting to this consciousness to form new things, offerings and inspirations all of the time. Societies that were sourced together, thrived with this.

Universal Oneness. The grace of such lay in remembering interconnectedness and allowing the insight and power of it to permeate our lives, our working, our medicine healing and our inter-doing.

Are we the space that holds the mind body spirit? Do you have access to inspiration, healing, creation & wholeness greater than just your mind? I do believe so. And from this place, as a collective, may we find the rebirth now, we so genuinely need.

From this great source, may we heal and rise.

In kindness and courage,

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