Before we begin something powerful, it’s helpful to set an intention for alignment with “what” we truly desire out of it and how we desire to feel while doing it. The yogic version of this is a Sankalpa, a Sanskrit word. San means self and kalpa translates to a vow. Together this word symbolizes the setting of a heartfelt intention that wilfully aligns the body, mind and spirit with a vow.
Dr. Wayne Dyer writes beautifully about this in his book, “The Power of Intention” (if you felt like a read, this is a good one and helpful to build inner motivation!). He says something I don’t hear many people suggest when working with intention, but which I believe is entirely the truth:
“Imagine that intention is not something you do, but rather a force that exists in the universe as an invisible field of energy.”
As we open more to our goals for the next little while, set aside time and space to create your intention of alignment clearly, as an invisible field of energy that will support you in all the work you do. Begin to see intention as the rudder to guide you to the destination you wish to arrive at.
Let’s check-in for a moment: where do you desire to be and feel in the near future? Really get a sense for what your heart-felt intention in all of the growth, exploration and transformation of the next little while shall be? What would you like to feel like at the end of next month? What is it you would like to know more deeply? What would you like to be offering in the world? Who wold you like to be?
Now we are going to take that further…
Setting a Sankalpa Directions:
1) Sit with yourself for a few moments. Notice your breath & close your eyes. Feel the ground beneath you and your connection to earth.
2) Become aware of the feeling in your pelvis, your belly & your heart.
3) Allow your Sankalpa/intention to come to you. Give it space to become clear. Take your time. This is the overarching intention and the driving alignment. Let your heart speak here too. For example, your Sankalpa may be, “I wish to know clarity about my direction forward and then go for it,” “I wish to feel joy, hope and liberation,” “It’s my intention to increase my confidence and inner power so that I feel like I can do anything, “or “I’d like to know that I am inspired, aligned and ready, each day.”
4) Now, visualize your Sankalpa in your pelvis and belly. Plant it there.
5) Once your lower Chakras are full with this Sankalpa, raise your intentional vow, with warmth, up into your heart where it will bloom!
6) Say your intention quietly to yourself, but speak it out loud.
7) Bring your hands to your heart and say thank you to yourself; honour this step.
8) Close this practice by opening your eyes and feeling awake, ready and present… Bring this intentional vow into your day, each day! Breathe with it when you remember. Repeat it to yourself regularly. Let it in, by repeating it each morning as you awaken and before you fall asleep!
Good work — open up to receiving powerful results from this practice!
As a greater practice, you can come back to this type of alignment (sankalpa) work, as often as you need. Setting a Sankalpa is a great way to start fresh after conflict, stress or a hard experience, or simply to align with before you take on a task, practice, conversation or work. I regularly set a Sankalpa before sitting with clients or engaging with community and loved ones.
Let aligned intention support you with ease towards your dreams & goals.
Or, connect here for more 1:1 work with me
*These practices, writings and instructions were created by Sarah Norrad. All copyright laws, creative or otherwise, apply, are reserved & bound to Sarah Norrad. This practice is not meant to take the place of clinical, medical or other professional support.