What's Underneath this Upheaval

In Chinese medicine, grief sits in the lungs.

I find it interesting that this virus affects the lungs too. I’ve noticed that in clients and in myself, this time now is bringing up a deep grief process and sadness.

Grief can be something we turn away from quickly in our culture; it is banished as we distract and medicate in a myriad of ways... However, grief is a pinnacle step in the healing process. It is needed so that we rise out of depression, anxiety and other stagnated problems. It is there so that we move into growth.

So what do we do with grief?

We feel it. We welcome it. We open our door to it and we say, “hello. Hi grief, what would you like to tell me?”

I bet it has some amazing things to say. Probably not what you thought it would either.

So when we avoid grief, we avoid healing + growth. When we turn away from sadness, we close the door to joy.

Oh virus, could you too be our teacher... as you point us to our lungs; our grieving. Ultimately leading us to our healing.

If I know anything from living through a chronic illness, it is that fighting against the teaching of something, prolongs it.

I also know that the outside label of something is usually the messenger for the medicine and teaching within.

This is how I see the world. If you see it differently, I celebrate that too. To me to make meaning of things, to unwrap the gift and the grief, helps to integrate them, to teach on them and to support clients moving through them and beyond...

Oh, sweet grief. What would you like to tell us? For in your arms is the medicine for our evolution.

Lungs. Dear lungs. What is your message? If loss could be our teacher, what would it want us to know; to remember?

This is a holistic approach to healing, to therapeutic work and a somatic and intuitive one to regaining wholeness; balance. Expansion.

If you want to talk more about this, you know where to find me to do this work (message, email, website). I’d be honoured to hold a sacred container for you there.

📷 @ravi.rane